Monday, December 13, 2004

Mother Judgment

 The common lament and curse, "Motherf---er" must be changed and correctly implemented. The correct formation should be one who is "Mother f---ed."
Women have no place in government, but our government is virtually run by women who have been using their husbands and other men for years to push a bitter I cannot and will not live by.
  FDR appointed Frances Perkins secretary of labor in 1933; she was the first female Cabinet member.
FDR also gave us Social Security which damned a nation to dependence upon its Treasury's handouts...and was famous for this quote:
"The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself..."
This too is most deceptively rendered...What did Jesus teach?

Luke 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

Whose puppet was the chain smoking gimp of a President?? One guess...
  And...The Secretary of state is the top-ranking department head, and George, you've done insulted the world's intelligence by appointing Condoleeza Rice to this seat.
Yes, yes, it sounds chauvinistic and backwards, but it's a Spiritual Truth whether we live by it or not and if we don't we are not living but dying and lying.

 Job 39:13-18 [Gavest thou] the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? 
Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust,
And forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them.
She is hardened against her young ones, as though [they were] not hers: her labour is in vain without fear;
Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding.
What time she lifteth up herself on high, she scorneth the horse and his rider.

Isa 3:12 [As for] my people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.  

Women in Judgment seats, and men like them, have woven a Web of Entrapment concocted by purveyors of sinful living on every level of and in our lives, in every household, in every courtroom, in our everyday judgments and decisions, America reeks of Control issues and spite. It's so depressingly wasteful and stupid, it just defeats everyone involved. And the whole thing is animated by Satan.   And this comes from a man who loves everything about women!   Women ought to and do take advantage of the government of men, this is their gift and talent, but to move in a govern is not their gift, nor right, nor privilege. It mocks Divine Order and degrades our women and our society.   The last thing God wants to have happen is what has happened to women in the Latter-days.   Unfortunately, most women have Zero regard for the Laws of God, and so they don't teach them nor abide by them yet they expect people to suffer the consequences of breaking their laws at their judgment which is of malice and not mercy.   It seems they want and all too often deserve payback for being mistreated by men who did not heed the Law found in Christ but tried to enforce the Law of God in a similar way they are trying to enforce their own laws and agendas...   There is no Grace and Truth in these laws, and we all suffer for this.   This is kind of what I hope women have been trying in vain to achieve, so as to include peoples of differing beliefs:  

Alma 30: 11 For there was a law that men should be judged according to their crimes. Nevertheless, there was no law against a man’s belief; therefore, a man was punished only for the crimes which he had done; therefore all men were on equal grounds.

But, they like the bad seed in that book, are trying to do away with Christ.   It's just all totally wrong and out of order...It's an abomination from head to toe...and it needs to be dismantled slowly so we do not destroy ourselves and what is worthy of saving...God will destroy the whole thing if we do nothing...   What women have done is take an obscene amount of advantage of God's Grace and Mercy, but These shall come to an end if we do not heed His Voice, and then there will be nothing left but Judgment. And we will be forced to live by a strict Old Testament Law, which leaves no room for what women want- freedom to create and be, those with any soul remaining in them, that is...

It's asinine, men and women must be willing to forgive and love and live according to Gospel Principles outlined by Saint Paul, or we are going nowhere but Hell in a Pretty Bucket decorated by Martha Stewartites.   I don't mean to sound chauvinistic when I use a sense of humor speaking about this issue, but the extent to which our society has suffered because of this madness for too long is obscene and yes an Abomination.   It's Madness which again, squanders God's Mercy, Grace and Abundance. We are shooting ourselves in the foot and teaching defeatism, just because a few ladies got bored and wanted to attend a "Ball."   They just don't thirst for Righteousness with the same amount of devotion and understanding.   These Truths are hard for me to write, because a part of me, at the heart of me, loves and desires the Madness they create.   The feminist movement produced the exact opposite because it was a lie from the get go. Christ made women free. 

True Liberty is only found in the Lord, and because the "feminist" denied so many essential truths about the spirit of woman and its relationship with His Spirit, the exact opposite manifested itself, and we ended up with whoredom and lesbian prostitutes.   Everything about the Divine Relationship between men and women is backward and perverse in the States, and it's so damned ingrained and freaking inbred, that the perversity of homosexism seems normal by contrast, and this is exactly what the Great Whore hopes to accomplish.
In Biblical Times, the Man was the object of Purity and Immaculacy, that a hog in a white dress has replaced in this nation...
I mean not to say that all women are ugly farm animals, but that the idea is that perverse, and it comes from a contemptuous relationship born in America, that at first had the redeeming qualities of love and devotion to family and God but quickly deteriorated to perverse children's stories of farm animals dressed as people, forming families and communities of the Beast...
  Is it any wonder we're inundated with pornography, homosexism, masturbatory obsession and prostitution of soul at the age of 5 or below?
All this springs from our family and society being out of order!
Howard Stern's reality possesses more redeeming qualities than do the rites of admission into some of our neighborhoods and churches...
There is nothing beautiful about the female or male body so grotesquely filled with pork and death and tanned to a well-done quality of meat, served on every computer and TV screen across the nation.
Both men and women need to be pure and life giving to be attractive and attracting...
Divine Men and Women are something Otherworldly. Wholly and Holy Beautiful, and Fair because they are Virgins, Pure and Untarnished with sin and lusts of the world. Exquisite, unlike any work of men's hands...

Psa 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvellous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well.

I know these realizations can be depressing when they force us to look at what we've been denying, but I'm as Heaven bent as the world seems hell-bent on recapturing what is truly worthy about this nation and Her people and He can make Her clean. Her Heart, when She can possess and express It, is worth it...   In this land of broken promises, shattered dreams, worn out wills and tired schemes, what we need is true Hope, hope that what we are striving to achieve, both individually and collectively, is going to see fulfillment, is going to payoff and bring satisfaction to all. Without God, this is an impossibility. Jesus Christ made the Atonement for all mankind so that our collective Hope and Dream and Life would never perish, but because of our selfish dreams and love of iniquity, many have grown cold to the Spirit and too tired and unconcerned to do more than fill their own bellies when hungry and appease their own psychotically deluded fancies in whatever way our culture makes possible, which, more and more, means a base, stupid immediate gratification that only prostitution makes possible.

"Having a dream and believing in the possibility of that dream coming true is what gives people hope. Hope is a much greater determinant of whether a person will survive and thrive than safety..." Sue Stauffacher

But safety, security, dependability, camaraderie, trust and holiness make possible the generosity, warmth and understanding that make many dreams a reality within that Dream in Our Creator, Established and Manifested Real for Us and Our Posterity under One God.

We've been striving apart, selfishly satisfied with whatever success we achieve no matter how many are made miserable apart from Us. At the Great Last Day We will be held accountable for that and every soul that suffered lack or want because of Us.

Our dreams need to become profitably realistic and healthy. The Highest Honor needs to be placed on upon the humblest office.

Things like being a sports, or movie star or whatever, must be seen as unprofitable and selfishly tragic, because that is what they are...We must make this known and not try to hide it.

What we need to do to succeed as a Nation is serve the LORD.

America would hate to have known that Hitler was right and just, and I do not mean in blaming the Jews, but in many ways his wisdom was prophetic and instructional. In the same way England would hate to have known that Guy Fawkes was probably the rightful heir to the Throne. Osama Bin Laden is probably far more worthy of respect and veneration than any US leader, though those who protect him are not. The wicked simply can't "catch" him until he falls of his own transgressions and of his own accord, like Saddam. Historically, as well as in the present, and it will be the same in the future, the wicked run the show, and it's always been, with few exceptions, Barabas freed and Jesus crucified by the masses...

The amount of bloodspilt and labor exhausted that it costs to maintain this lie is absurdly hateful. More hate than any "Nazi" ever possessed. Hate beat hate in W.W.II and none came to Jesus and God.

I would say it is well past the time to hearken back and reintroduce and implement the "rule of thumb" on a wide spread basis but that is exactly what birthed this bastard child of a nation in the first place so that the exact opposite must save Her and rid her of all bloodlust and hatred-

Fawning love, angelic devotion, childlike innocence and honesty.

What's hard and difficult to realize about reality is this: People can only go so far without God. We live our lives among the dead and "ghosts" fleshed out by the will, power and supernatural means of the Evil One, shape shifting spirits and more, the possibilities of Our Reality are confined by these, yet more people welcome them than their Creator.

The Dead count on money and the sale of sin to survive. Romantics and Delusionals demand the dramathat makes the Great Whore's bid to have all the world in subjection to Her perverse will, possible.

But the Life of this entire charade is Animated, Warmed, Made Real, by Christ.

The greater the size of your mob, the greater your chance of dominance and success.

Change its Will.

This is ultimately why America is going to war. It's an effort to branch out, when the ranks of the living become to thin at home due to sin.
One person, authentically owning, worshipping, cherishing and thereby enabling his Divine Right within the context of this Madness can bring it all to its knees, stop it, or at least slow it down and attempt to right its "will to power" with sincere Justice so that it does not destroy or consume itself, but is brought into Proper Subjection in Him who is willing to lay down His Life to fill the emptiness, radiate the warmth, make real the imagined, bring into being the absent, make known the unknown, bring home again the outcast, love the unlovable, nourish the hungry, tame the Beast, heal the sick, give rest to the weary, chastise and punish the wicked with the exact measure of justice and equity they will to suffer, and grant Life to the willing and obedient.

All this cannot happen without proper Judgment being made throughout our Land.

At once, we must hearken back to an Old Way, the Right Way, the LORD's Way.

Keeping Sabbath, doing our business according to Seven Year Releases and Agreements...Living at a Sane Pace.

Forsaking projects that do not benefit the Whole.

Forsaking individual, selfish dreams and desires in favor of serving those in need.

No more small businesses. Concentrate instead on the health and integrity of Big Business.

Let the rich go on imagining themselves to be rich, whatever...Take care of the numbers that will ensure the Body that can be healed from within rather than suppress illness and disease by "discovery" and "invention."

We need instead the Hope that forms the Patience to endure all the evils we've brought upon ourselves in Our Delusional Ignorance of the Spirit that makes Hope Possible.

"So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched." -from the story of Pandora in Bulfinch's Mythology

Realizing Hitler's genius rather than his psychosis is what I imagine would happen if the LDS Church and Jews for Jesus merged or Nazi Order married Hasidic Mysticism, or a Great Whore served Jesus but they must never be wed. 

I'm sorry America may lose the freedom to lie and hate as deceitfully as She has in the past and present, but I wish all to know, I love Her and understand why and forgive Her. But I love Her for who She really is and I see why She had to lie and deceive. She had no other choice. As when the weaker vessel made insane and oppressed by the real weakness of men- hatred and deception is Love and self preservation. Yet, in this madness, She has lost Her Self because She would not turn to God, She has doomed Herself and the Nation to a Fate worse than Death. She thought by sharing weakness instead of strength she could make the LORD like unto Herself and thereby vindicate the lowest wretch in Hell.

She took advantage of this Truth:

1Cr 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

But She did see the Truth in the statement.

Her hatred hath consumed Her...and left Her Lord marred and suffering the real weakness of her men of might and of Herself, but She's grown so cold and hard and unforgiving, that She knows nought but Tyranny and lust for Power, the Power to be perverse and reward the lowest of the low and most undeserving imps of Hell, whom she reckons worthy of Titles and Honors and all manner of treasures unfit for the living...And if She is exposed, She'll simply reverse Her will to power and humble Her own subjects, making them men and women of no esteem, but knowing and with Her impish grin showing...that She holds them in the highest...

She is willing to suffer all manner of indignity and loss as long as She does not have to face That which might chasten Her to humility and sanity...Even the Spirit...

Jhn 14:17 [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

Ecc 11:5 As thou knowest not what [is] the way of the spirit, [nor] how the bones [do grow] in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

Hsa 1:2 The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, [departing] from the LORD.  

1Cr 6:15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make [them] the members of an harlot? God forbid.  

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